Tomato is grown in many types of soils from sand o heavy clay. A well-drained, fairly light fertile loam with a fair moisture holding capacity is ideal for growing a good crop of tomato. Good texture of the soil is of primary importance. Even poor and medium quality land produces good early crop, if managed properly. Tomato crop prefers a soil reaction ranging from pH 6.0 to 7.0. In acidic soils, liming was beneficial. Tomato is planted in well pulverized and leveled field.

Light to medium heavy soil with good drainage is reuired. Chilli is planted in well pulverized and leveled field. Sowing time- Kharif: June- July, Rabi: Sep- Oct and Summer- Jan- Feb. Seed Rate- 120 gm/ acre or 300 gm/ hectare Spacing- 45X60 cm or 60 X 75 cm depending upon soil fertility & agronomic practices. Before transplanting , apply NPK 40:30:30 per acre and make light ridges and transplant Periodic top dressing of MOP and Ammonium sulphate is recommended @ 20 kg & 10 kg. Irrigate once in 4- 5 days depending on weather & soil conditions. Chilli crop is very sensitive to excess water but to some extent it can tolerate drought. Heavy soils or in heavy rainfall areas proper drainage should be provided to withdraw excess water.

Growing okra requires well-drained soil that’s neither over fertilized nor over watered. Well drained, sandy soils are preferred. Addition of manure or other organic material is usually beneficial on such light-textured soils. Okra grows best in neutral to slightly alkaline soils, pH 6- 6.8. Okra seed numbers approximately 8,000 per pound. Use approximately 3 Kg seed/acre. Plant 1 inch deep, 4-6 seeds/foot of row. Thin to desired spacing when plants are 3 inches tall. Germination many be enhanced by soaking seeds several (4-6 hours) hours or overnight immediately before planting. The seed will need to be surface dried for mechanical planting.

Cucumis sativus & ORIENTAL PICKLING MELON -Cucumis melo var. conomon. Warm season crop. Prefers sandy loam soils. January-March, September-December and May- August. 0.625 kg/ha. Take the pits at a spacing of 2X1.5 m and the seeds are sown @ 4-5 per pit. After two weeks remove the unhealthy plants retaining three plants per pit.Apply FYM @ 20-25 t/ha as basal dose along with half dose of N (35 kg) and full dose of P2O5 (25 kg) and K2O (25 kg/ha). The remaining dose of N (35 kg) can be applied in two equal split doses at the time of vining and at the time of full blooming. For trailing, spread dried twigs or coconut leaves on the ground.Spraying the crop with Ethrel at the rate of 3-3.5ml in 10ltr of water will increase the production of female flowers.

Brassica oleracea var. botrytis. Well drained sandy loam to clay loam soils are suited for the crop. It can be grown in high ranges during winter and typical Indian cauli flower produces curd above 20 degree celsius and can grow even upto 35 degree celsius.The crop is highly sensitive to Boron and molybdenum deficiency. Aug-Nov.Season varies depending upon the variety and altitude. 300 g/ha. Seeds are sown in nursery beds and three to five week old seedlings are transplanted. 45 x 30 cm. Organic manure 20t/ha and N: P : K : at 150: 100: 125 kg/ha. Apply full dose of P2O5 and half dose of N+ K2O before transplanting and remaining N+ K one month after transplanting.

Brassica oleracea Var. capitata. Well drained sandy loam to clay soil is suited for this crop. It grows well in high ranges during winter season. Optimum temperature for growth and heading is 15- 20 degree centigrade. August- November,Mid season varieties – September. 315 /ha. Seeds are sown in nursery beds and three to five week old seedlings are transplanted. 45 x 30 cm. Organic manure 25 T/ha, N:P:K of 150:100: 125 kg/ha . Full dose of N and K2O before transplanting and remaining half dose one month after transplanting is recommended. Earthing up one month after transplanting is essential.