An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company


Botanical Name

Brassica oleracea Var. capitata

Climate & Soil

Well drained sandy loam to clay soil is suited for this crop. It grows well in high ranges during winter season. Optimum temperature for growth and heading is 15- 20 degree centigrade.


August- November,Mid season varieties – September

Seed rate

315 /ha

Raising Nursery

Seeds are sown in nursery beds and three to five week old seedlings are transplanted.


45 x 30 cm

Nutrient management

Organic manure 25 T/ha, N:P:K of 150:100: 125 kg/ha . Full dose of N and K2O before transplanting and remaining half dose one month after transplanting is recommended.

Crop Management

Earthing up one month after transplanting is essential

Pest Management
  • Cabbage butterfly Diamond black moth: Apply 5% neem seed kernel extract on cabbage starting from 15 days, trap crop, release of a parasitoid
  • Tobacco caterpillar: Spray malathion 2% at initial stages and 1% pyrithrin during head formation stage.

Disease Management
  • Black rot, Black leg and clubroot of cabbage: Remove the affected seedling and provide proper drainage. Dip the seeds in water at 50 degree Celsius for 25- 30 mts as a prophylatic measure. 2-3 spraying of 50 gm of streptocycline +250 gm Copper oxy chloride in 250 litres of water / ha are suggested as control measure.
  • Alternaria blight: Seed treatment with captan 3 gm/ Kg of seed and spraying mancozeb 0 .25% at 15 days interval soon after the appearance of disease can control the same


Only one head is produced in a plant and the head is harvested along with some wrapper leaves when it becomes firm but tender.



Post Harvesting:

Heads along with wrapper leaves are transported to rhe markets in krates, where wrapper leaves are trimmed, heads are graded and packed for sale.