An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company


Botanical Name

Cucumis sativus & ORIENTAL PICKLING MELON -Cucumis melo var. conomon

Climate & Soil

Warm season crop. Prefers sandy loam soils.


January-March, September-December and May- August.

Seed rate

0.625 kg/ha


Take the pits at a spacing of 2X1.5 m and the seeds are sown @ 4-5 per pit. After two weeks remove the unhealthy plants retaining three plants per pit.

Nutrient management

Apply FYM @ 20-25 t/ha as basal dose along with half dose of N (35 kg) and full dose of P2O5 (25 kg) and K2O (25 kg/ha). The remaining dose of N (35 kg) can be applied in two equal split doses at the time of vining and at the time of full blooming.

Crop Management

For trailing, spread dried twigs or coconut leaves on the ground.Spraying the crop with Ethrel at the rate of 3-3.5ml in 10ltr of water will increase the production of female flowers.

Pest Management
  • Epilachna beetle : Both adult and grubs scrape the leaf lamina and skeletanise the leaves. Ekalux 25EC 2ml/l, mechanical control
  • Fruit fly : Adult flies insert the eggs inside the fruits and the maggots feed on the fruit. Malathion 50 EC 2 .2ml/l, mechanical control, bait traps
  • American serpentine leaf miner : Eats away the chlorophyll of the leaves leaving snake like white scars on the leaf lamina.Neem oil emulsion 2.5%
  • Pumpkin beetle : Adults feed on the leaves and the grubs bore the roots. Soil drenching with Ekalux 2ml/l, mechanical control.

Disease Management
  • Downy mildew : Yellow spots on the upper surface and water soaked fungal spots on the lower surface of leaves.Dithane M.45 4g/l, field sanitation
  • Powdery mildew : Ashy spots on the leaves and stem. Apply Karathane 1g/l, field sanitation
  • Mosaic : Yellow and green mottled appearance on leaves. Seed treatment Bavistin 2g/kg, mechanical control


The first harvesting of fruits can be done 45-55 days after sowing.


10-12 t/ha.