Duration 115-125 days
Plant Height 95 -120cms, Semi-dwarf Compact & erect plant type. Medium duration (115-125 days) Long slender grain High productive tillers per plant (12-15) More grains per panicle (275-300) Wider adaptability More than 70% milling HRR (Head rice recovery) : 65%

Duration 125-135 days
Plant height : 95 -105cms, Semi-dwarf Compact & erect plant type. Medium duration (125-135 days) Medium slender grain High productive tillers per plant (9-11) Grains per panicle (215-260) Wider adaptability, Suitable for eastern U.P., Gujarat & Bihar area. Advised for closer planting. HRR (Head rice recovery) : 68%

Duration 130-140 days
Plant height 100 -120cms, medium tall Compact & erect plant type. Medium duration (130-140 days) Medium slender grain High productive tillers per plant (12-15) More grains per panicle (240-310) Wider adaptability More than 70% milling HRR (Head rice recovery) : 64%

Duration 120-130 days
Medium maturity with 120-130 days duration Non lodging and non-shattering No. of tillers: 6 to 8 Medium slender, Non-aromatic grain Good cooking quality. High yield potentiality with v 60 % HRR Tolerant to major pests & diseases and suitable for closer planting